Q: How does Signature Fundraising work?
A: By choosing to shop for a group, you will be asked to enter a seller ID which will take you to that seller's page. You can shop through the brochure(s) and your purchase will benefit the group and seller you selected.
Q: How long will my purchases benefit the group I choose?
A: During the group's sale all of your purchases will benefit your group. The group will receive credit after the end of it's sale.
Q: How will my purchase benefit the group?
A: When you enter the seller ID, you will be able to view the same brochure(s) that the group is showing locally. A portion of your purchases and donations will be credited to the group.
Q: What forms of payment do you accept?
A: Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
Q: Do you ship/take orders outside of the United States?
A: No. We only accept and ship orders within the continental United States. Sorry, but we cannot ship to Alaska or Hawaii.
Q: Is it safe to enter my credit card number on the site?
A: Yes. Signature Fundraising uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) security. Credit Card numbers are never stored on the web server. You will be asked to enter your credit card number each time you checkout on our site.
Q: How does my group sign up to use Signature Fundraising?
A: Please call us at 800-645-3863 or send an email to orders@fundraisingnet.com. Please include your name, group's name, address, and phone number.
Q: What is the group ID?
A: The group ID is a unique number given to each group for registration. If you need to register but do not have a group ID please contact the sponosr/leader of your fundraiser.
Q: When will my products arrive?
A: Most ship-to-home orders are processed and shipped directly to the customer within 72 hours via USPS, UPS or FedEx (unless otherwise noted in checkout process). Most orders will arrive to supporter within 7 to 10 business days. If you order any chocolate items during warmer months we may hold your entire order until cooler weather permits us to ship it without melting.
Q: Will I have to pay sales tax?
A: We are required to collect sales tax on non food items, which are placed in the state of Texas. Sales tax is based on your state laws.
Q: How do I return a damaged or wrong item?
A: Please call our Customer Service Center at 800-645-3863 or send an email to orders@fundraisingnet.com.
Q: What is your return policy?
A: We do not give any refunds or replacements for any products unless it is a damaged product. If product is damaged please contact our office and we may need the product back before we will send out a replacement.
Q: When I register at checkout, what happens to my information?
A: When you register, we collect the following information: your name, address, phone, email and credit card information. Your information will NOT be sold or provided to any third parties. You may be contacted by our Customer Service Center to verify any questions we may have about your order.
Q: Do you use cookies on Signature Fundraising?
A: Yes. We do use a cookie to keep track of the seller ID that you entered at the beginning of the sale. We do not use the cookie to collect any personal information. If you block cookies, your seller may not receive credit for your order.